I like computers. Do you like them? Computers are fun. We have computers after we have library. Sometimes we play games on them. Most of the time we do stuff like Microsoft Word. Some other things we do are Type to Learn 4, Safety Land, and visit Mrs. P's website. I like Mrs. P's website the best.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus was a special man.He was born on October 31, in Italy in 1451.Christopher dreamed of being a sailor.When he was 20, he went to sea. He was 25 years old when he visited Lisbon, Portugal. Christopher became a good captain. Soon, he went to Spain. Christopher gathered sixty sailors to find a faster way to Asia. His three ships were stuffed with supplies for their trip.Christopher Columbus went west and ended up in America. He died on May 20, 1506.
Alex and Brandon
Alex and Brandon

partner writing,
research report
Extra Snack Time
Dear Mrs. L.,
Could we please have snack longer? We will get more food into our bodies. our bodies could get healthier. We will have more time to eat. We wont bring any sweets.We will listen and use good manners.Could you please think about letting us have more snake time?
Brandon and Parker
Could we please have snack longer? We will get more food into our bodies. our bodies could get healthier. We will have more time to eat. We wont bring any sweets.We will listen and use good manners.Could you please think about letting us have more snake time?
Brandon and Parker

partner writing,
persuasive writing
How to Make an Ice Cream Sundae
Ice cream sundaes are easy to make. First get ice cream, toppings, and any other thing that you might want to have on your ice cream sundae. Next , get a bowl for the ice cream. Put the ice cream and toppings in the bowl. Whipped cream and sprinkles are yummy toppings. Last, get a spoon and eat the ice cream sundae for dessert.
Rabbits are amazing animals. They have vast ears, snub, puffy tails, and they have long legs for hopping. Bunnies are found all over the world, but not in Antarctica and the islands of Southeast Asia. Rabbits are a little bit smaller than hares because hares have taller ears rabbits. I love rabbits because they are so graceful.

research report
Go Fish!
At our school, we had a great play.The name of our play was Go Fish.We had to make masks in art for the play. At the play, we sang five songs! One song was called "There's a Commotion in the Ocean". Our parents came to the play. Our moms and dads videotaped us. We had scarves for our last song. The last song was called "Colors of the Sea". The second song was the best. It was a rap song about sharks. We had special speaking parts. We had to do movements. The play was awesome!
Jared and Kodi
Jared and Kodi

partner writing
Leopards and Lions
Leopards and Lions are different and alike in some ways.Lions and leopards are part of the cat family .They live in Africa.Both have powerful legs .They both hunt hunt for meat. This is how they they are different.Leopards have spots , but lions are spotless .Lions have a lot of hair in their manes, but leopards don't have manes.When lions' cubs are born, they are spotty. We like leopards and lions.
Alex and Erik

partner writing,
research report
Hamsters are full of comedy.When they put their feet up by their heads to clean themselves it's funny.The largest litter that a hamster had was 26 babies. Female hamsters are only pregnant for 16 to18 days.did you know that baby hamsters are born blind and with no hair. Pick up your hamster with both hands.If your hamster is being good give it a treat.Did you know most popular of small animals. We like hamsters because they are full of beauty.
Amelia and Donna
Amelia and Donna

partner writing,
research report
Leopards and Cheetahs
There are many ways leopards and cheetahs are alike and different.Leopards and cheetahs are the same because they both have spots and they are both cats.They both live in Africa.Leopards and cheetahs are different because cheetahs are in trees most of the time and leopards are on the ground.Some leopards are just plan black.We like both because they are fast.
Eliza and Rachel
Eliza and Rachel
partner writing,
research report
Gold is a shiny piece of metal.It can be very valuable.Gold is also a scarce piece of metal.The heaviest kind of metal is a nugget.A nugget can be as heavy as two second graders.Gold doesn't rust or rot.Gold can be bent quickly because it is a weak metal.Most of the world's gold is found in parts of South Africa.Gold is a very exciting piece of metal to discover.
Brandon and Parker
Brandon and Parker

partner writing,
research report
Gems are breathtaking by how they look. Masterpiece gems are mostly found inside other rocks. They are made into jewelry. Most of the gems are found under the ground. Sometimes they look like stones. Emeralds are polished to look like dark green. Topaz is a light yellow gem and a hard one. A white topaz was put into a king's crown. The white topaz looks like a diamond. Rubies come from the same minerals as sapphires. Minerals make dazzling crystals. The topaz is a wonderful birthstone of November. We like gems because they are lovely.
Amelia and Alex

Amelia and Alex

partner writing,
research report
George Washington
George Washington was the first president of the United State of America. He crossed the Delaware River during the American Revolution. He was born on February 22, 1732 . In George's early teens, he mastered growing tobacco,stock raising, and surveying. Washington's father died when he was 11 years old. George Washington was a good leader because he led the American Revolution for independence.
research report
Friday, April 27, 2012
Did you know chipmunks stuff their cheeks and then bring their food to their homes? Chipmunks grab their food with their claws. They hibernate just like bears or some other animals. Their homes are under the ground. Chipmunks can change their homes at any time. I like chipmunks because they are tiny animals.

Length and Height
We learned about length and height. Length tells how long something is. Height tells how tall something is. You can use paper clips to tell how long a pencil is or anything else. Use cubes to measure how tall a paper is or anything else. Length and height are similar because you can measure them both with a ruler or yardstick. It is important to know how to measure because you would need to know how widw or tall something is so you can fit it in a certain place.
partner writing
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Porcupines can be playful or dangerous to other animals. They back toward enemies. Then they pound their tails back and forth to defend themselves. Then suddenly, quills fly out. They have quills all over their bodies.
These animals live in parts of North America. They are the biggest rodents in North America. They have more than 30,000 quills. A porcupine's quills are made of hair. The porcupine eats anything that can grow. They sniff to find their food. That is how a porcupine lives and what it is like.
Brandon and Parker
These animals live in parts of North America. They are the biggest rodents in North America. They have more than 30,000 quills. A porcupine's quills are made of hair. The porcupine eats anything that can grow. They sniff to find their food. That is how a porcupine lives and what it is like.
Brandon and Parker

partner writing,
research report
Gorillas are dangerous animals. Gorillas like to eat different kinds of plants. They can climb big trees very well. Gorillas live in parts of Africa. A troop is a gorilla family. Many gorilla troops have up to ten or thirty members. Adult gorillas protect their kids. Humans are gorillas' worst enemy.
Gorillas are one kind of mammal. Gorillas sometimes build nests in trees. There are three types of gorillas. A Silverback male protects the family. There are 32,00 western gorillas. There are 5,000 eastern gorillas. I studied books to find out these facts.
Gorillas are one kind of mammal. Gorillas sometimes build nests in trees. There are three types of gorillas. A Silverback male protects the family. There are 32,00 western gorillas. There are 5,000 eastern gorillas. I studied books to find out these facts.
research report
Planetarium Visit
We went to the planetarium. There were movie chairs. The screen was on the ceiling. Two classes were there. First, we looked at how the sky would be in the daytime. Next, Mr. S showed us what it would look like if it was night time. We got to see all of the planets and we played connect the dots. When we connected the stars, it showed us different pictures. The planets rotate and revolve around the sun. We had a lot of fun at the planetarium.

Jonathan Sprout
Jonathan Sprout came to our school. He told us about heroes. One hero was Amelia Earhart. She was the first person to fly over the Pacific Ocean. Another hero was Abraham Lincoln. He was the president of the United States. Sacajawea was an Indian girl. She is on a gold coin.

Amelia and Nikole

partner writing
Firefighters are busy all the time. One of the firefighters has to check to see if the fire hoses are screwed on tightly to the truck. When the bell rings, firefighters slide down a pole and a thick pad cushions their feet. Somebody hooks the hose to the nearest fire hydrant so they can spray the burning house with water. Firefighters have to hold tightly to the hose.Their air tanks only hold forty minutes of air to breathe.
Firefighters have flashlights to see through the dark smoke. Firefighters have saws and axes to break through doors, roofs, and walls. Helmets protect the firefighters' heads from being damaged. They have suits to protect them from big and small fires. Always remember your fire plan because if there is a fire in your home, you would have to get out safely.
Alex and Brandon
Firefighters have flashlights to see through the dark smoke. Firefighters have saws and axes to break through doors, roofs, and walls. Helmets protect the firefighters' heads from being damaged. They have suits to protect them from big and small fires. Always remember your fire plan because if there is a fire in your home, you would have to get out safely.
Alex and Brandon

book review,
partner writing
Monkeys are very exciting and playful animals. There are 150 kinds of species. Monkeys and relatives like apes, live in social groups. Some monkeys eat leaves while hanging from trees. Monkeys live together and sometimes sing together. There are 181 monkey families. Monkeys will eat things like fruit, flowers, birds, butterflies, bamboo shoots, crabs, eggs, and frogs' legs.
Monkeys have long, strong fingers and toes to get food or to swing from place to place. Monkeys swing through treetops, but bigger monkeys stay on the ground. Monkeys sometimes live in families. Monkeys called baboons have males that are twice the size of females. The males live on the edges of the troop. Monkeys make faces when they're playing, just like humans. Monkeys called patas live on the plains of Africa. Hyenas, leopards, and elephants live with the patas. That is how monkeys are very exciting and playful animals.
Monkeys have long, strong fingers and toes to get food or to swing from place to place. Monkeys swing through treetops, but bigger monkeys stay on the ground. Monkeys sometimes live in families. Monkeys called baboons have males that are twice the size of females. The males live on the edges of the troop. Monkeys make faces when they're playing, just like humans. Monkeys called patas live on the plains of Africa. Hyenas, leopards, and elephants live with the patas. That is how monkeys are very exciting and playful animals.

research report
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Have you ever used fractions before? One fourth means one is shaded out of four equal parts. Also, 1/4 can show that one is left out of four equal parts, too. Make sure you always remember to check to see if all the parts are equal because fractions have equal parts. Do you like working with fractions? I know I do.

There are all kinds of bulldogs. I think that English bulldogs are the cutest out of all bulldogs. Bulldogs can be big or small. If you get a bulldog when it is a baby, it would be more pleasant. Some bulldogs bite, but some do not bite. they come in all colors. If you decide that you want a bulldog, you have to pick the right bulldog. The best way to find the right bulldog is look through a breeded. I like bulldogs because they are cute.

fact and opinion,
Seussical was a wonderful play about the Cat in the Hat. At the beginning of the play, the Cat in the Hat popped out of a big white and black hat. He said hello then sang a song. In the middle of the play, Horton sat on an egg becausethe bird needed a vacation. She sat on her egg forever. At the end of the play, the monkeys came out and pushed Horton off the egg. If you enjoyed the play, please tell us.
Amelia and Riley
Amelia and Riley

partner writing,
Did you know that a pumpkin is a fruit? Pumpkins can be fun when you carve them. you can eat the pumpkin seeds that are in the pumpkins. Pumpkins usually come out by Halloween. There are all sizes of pumpkins. Did you know that some towns hold a festival to celebrate the fall harvest? If you learned something new, please tell me.

fact and opinion
Monday, March 26, 2012
Butterflies and Ladybugs
How would you like to know about butterflies and ladybugs? They can both fly. Both of them can have spots on their backs. A butterfly is big, but a ladybug is small. Butterflies hve bigger wings than ladybugs. They both live outside. Ladybugs don't have tongues, but butterflies do! Do you like both? I love butterflies best because they are cute!

compare and contrast,
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
I love dogs because they are very very cute. Most dogs have cages and beds like cats and rabbits. Do you love dogs and cats? I have a dog. His name is Duke. He doesn't have a lot of hair. We got him when he was 9 months. He is not a puppy. I think he is awesome!

Reading is Feeding Your Brain
Do you know how your brain is fed? You read to feed your brain. The more your read the more you learn. If you read this you are learning. If you read books, papers, and signs you are reading to feed your brain more.

Monday, March 19, 2012
Enemy Pie
Did you ever read about Enemy Pie? The story was about a boy who had an enemy. He keeps a list of his enemies in his tree house. His enemy was nice to him on their little play date. The boy had only one enemy on his enemy list. When it was dinner time they ate mac and cheese. When it was dessert they ate the enemy pie. Then they became friends. The book was very good. Did you find the secret?

book review
Tadpoles can turn into frogs. This is how. First, frogs lay frog spawn. Frog spawn means frog eggs. Next, tadpoles pop out of their eggs. Then, tadpoles get front legs and become frogs. Last, the frogs get out of the water and get on land. I studied the story Frogs to find the life cycle of a frog.

My Opinion of School
I like school. We get to go to gym on Mondays and Thursdays. We go to music. We go to extra music every other week. We get to go to Library and computers. All Fridays the whole class has health. Health is fun too. All of the classes in school are fun. Even gym is fun. That's why I like school.

Bunnies and Puppies
Bunnies and puppies are alike and different in so many ways. Bunnies and puppies are alike because they can both be pets. They both can go outside. Also bunnies and puppies can jump. Another way they are alike is they both have claws. Bunnies and puppies are different because puppies run and bunnies hop.Bunnies stay in a cage but puppies get out of their cages most of the time. I (Rachel) like puppies better because puppies are crazier than bunnies. I (Amelia} like bunnies better than puppies because bunnies are cuter than puppies.
Amelia and Rachel
Amelia and Rachel

compare and contrast,
partner writing,
Helen Keller
Helen Keller was a special woman. She was a talented writer. Helen Keller loved to prank others. She loved smelling roses. Helen Keller loved grass, flowers, leaves, trees, bugs, butterflies, sun, wind, and rain. Helen Keller and Annie Sullivan were friends all of their lives because Annie Sullivan helped her get around. We loved the story, Helen Keller and the Big Storm because it told us about her life.
Alex and Brandon

Alex and Brandon

book review,
partner writing
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